Empire Truck Works understands that there is not going to be a “one-size fits all” for your vehicle and needs, so we have a multitude of options and combinations of options to perfect your vehicle interior. We specialize in Adrian Steel Custom Shelving Units but offer lots of manufacturers’ products, both installation and service. Interior cargo management and convenience can be configured in many ways including pull-out drawers, flap-up or flap-down large locking bins, storage trays, hooks and holders, grillages and cab dividers, specialty flooring, pull out racks, sliding/stacking racks, open-faced cabinets, lock boxes, custom equipment mounting, and so many more options!
See our photos below for just a few of the van interior projects that we’ve completed. We have lots of details and photos of other options at our office location. Stop by Empire Truck Works today! We will outfit your Commercial Vehicle!